I've never done counselling before attending here and I was thinking their wasn't that much that I had to speak about. It has helped me enormously, just in a sense of realising alot of things about myself. It has helped me become more aware and curious about myself.
I feel like the type of counselling I have is more about what I want to speak about and more directed at me bringing forward my thoughts about anything. I'm not a structured person and I feel this way is more empowering for me as a person. I think if things are too structured you lose the potential for something to pop up. Counselling has changed my general outlook on things and put so much in perspective. I sometimes think how did I even find this place it's so random, but glad I did.
Also, the counsellor who I work with is great and has alot of empathy. I enjoy their humanistic approach and feel so much more comfortable with them just being a human listening to me , a human. Sometimes they can say things and I'm like wow that is how I'm feeling. Actually, before I even think it. Also, I think they would be able to find a needle in a haystack! Genuinely they always see the finer details, in things I wouldnt even look at. I feel grateful for them choosing to be a counsellor as they are definitely doing one of their purposes in life. Who knows how many people they have helped aswell as me. Very good counsellor and person in general